Met up with all the Happy Pills after work.
Headed to MindCafe.
The air ventilation over there isn't good and we stinks after two hours in there.
There food there wasnt that fantastic either.
Otw there.
Well i just cant stop cam whoring~

Sat (29 Jan 2011)
Its was raining non stop..
Headed to so many places in the afternoon.
First to AutoPoint then to Ubi car workshop..
Decided to dine at Quality Hotel for Porridge.
Car park's full as there is function there, so we park our car at another car park.
Walk to Quality Hotel and it was drizzling. And the moment we reached there, there were so many ppl at the waiting list.. WT*.
We decided not to wait as we were dying of hunger.
So we drove down and see if there were any food stalls and we just stop there for dinner.
Found Ba Kut Teh further down the road.
Me and Guoling ordered the food first while the guys went to park their car.
We ate like we had starve for few days..
Our messy table..
Sun (30 Jan 2011)
Still raining~~~ It seems like never stop raining..
Had maggie for lunch. Cook by baby.
Preparing to head out for early reunion dinner with my family.

Soup Restaurant..

Dessert for baby, dad and mum.

Bought nail polish. Hot pink, metallic black.. All these colours are baby's favourate colours esp for his car =.="""
Poor baby keep on sneezing..

Got Guoling's wedding card~