28th to 30th May 2010 TIOMAN TRIP!
Before I start i wanna Thanks everyone that have care of us & Love the both of us.
Thanks to baby mummy for letting us go for this trip, prepare stuff for us & Uncle for fetching us early in the morning
to Orchard DFS.
Thanks to my mummy for cooking Leng Teh for us too.
We Love you all & Many thanks. =)
Thanks to my mummy for cooking Leng Teh for us too.
We Love you all & Many thanks. =)

After awhile she get bored of the show & start DISTURBING ME!!!! LOOK wat she did to my Perfect leg? LOL. Draw smiley face on it! GG sia.
Day 1 to Tioman!

My cheeky baby! Look whose behind us! Young Chee Beng & Pei Shan aka Hazel! LOLX
Both of dem still can relax & slowly taking their sweet time to eat breakfast at Mac!!!! They was the last couple to board the coach!!!!!

Acting cool~ & we are dead hungry! E coach drop us @ some idiot place to have a quick meal but the place was super super ER XIN! Only 1 stall to buy food!
Yet Self services but alot of House flies. See liao super no mood to eat!

We waited for the damn ferry to arrive like 1hour of delay! We was stuck at Tg. Gemok with no food stall or something. Only got like Mama Tiam! Super sucks! We was super hungry at that point of time! (NOTED: Name of Ferry is BLUE WATER!)

After alighting from the ferry, we still need to sit a buggy ride to reach our resort! Hell of a ride for the day~! Wats more its raining! =X

Wen we reach the resort! I'm the MR.KIASU! I rush to the frontdesk to check in! lolx!
By the time we check in was almost 3pm! Sian man!

Our Room! Number 812! Super Lucky! c0z Aaron & Eric rooms are both Single bed! hahaha. MINE IS QUEEN! Aaron 811 & Eric is 813! HEhe =P

Look at aaron! super er xin! Juz bec0z e road is wet & dun wanna dirty his pant! He pull his pants all e way up! HAHAHAX! Ugly boi~ =P

As for me! 15RM fried rice ALONE! I'm super HUNGRY! Somemore i share abit of baby hokkien mee! haha =P Our 1st meal cost us 100+RM! Super Bo Hua! Do we looks like carrot head? =(

Heading down to the beach with Aaron, Maggie & baby~ Guess where's Eric & Hazel? HEHE~ Hiding in the Room! Sneaky couple~

Aaron & me swim far away from them & i shouted BABY I LOVE YOU! But too bad. She only heard BABY! =(

Took a so call "TAXI" its a Lok kok Van! haha. 30Rm to drive us down e hill & back to resort juz to have a better dinner at e village.
Eric & his Middle finger always =.='''

Looks nice right? But we had to wait for a longtime dan we can have our dinner! its like almost 10pm! LoLX! ALL at only 150+ RM! Cheap!

We didn't have the time to take a picture of us snorkeling! C0z camera not water proof! But I'm very very proud of my princess~ She was very scare to go down into e sea at 1st. But after we reach the platform she says she wanna get into e sea! I was like WoooO! Sure? =) hehe My Brave baby! Muackz

From Left to Right.
Baby had Baileys cream, I had Tequila sunrise, Maggie had Blue lagoon, Eric had Long-island tea. NICE!

I change 9RM to play for 3 rounds of pool~ but Eric & hazel played billiard for 20RM/hour yet they finish 1st & my 3 games not done. LOLX! Super Saver! hahaha

We ate so much food at e malay store juz for 100+ RM~ =D
Day 3 Tioman!
Our Last day at tioman! =( So quick 3days 2nights over. Back to work soon =(

@ Ferry point waiting for our ferry! This really piss us off! Our FERRY IS DELAY AGAIN! Our ferry timing was 1pm! But we only get into our ferry at only 215pm!! & our coach is waiting for us at 230pm! By the time we reach e jetty! It's like already 4pm!!!
E services is hopeless!

Had some ice cream to cool down! & Did you rmb i ta bao 2 breads from e buffet breakfast? Haha~ Baby was hungry & dan i offer her e breads dat i took earlier on~ She still give me those EEEEE face. But in e end she ate it & she says its NICE! hahahah KNS RIGHT! =P

HAHA I'm a crazy fan of IPMAN! We watch IP man2 wen we was otw to Berjaya & also watch it again wen we heading back to SG in e FERRY! hahaha. Baby is going crazy c0z i keep showing her e pose of IP man! hahahaha. =P

Baby took this pictures c0z there's so much Swallow birds flying around~ BIRD NEST!!!! hehe
Tell you guys some secret, I duno that Bird nest came from this swallow birds saliva. LOLX! I only knows how to drinK! hahaha =D

Round 1 FIGHT! HEHE =P Chun Li Vs Sagat! Those who knows Street Fighter will know the names!. =D

This is Chun Li

This is Sagat

After a long journey we finally reach SG & they drop us @ newton circus food centre~ We juz order 1 cup of Sugar cane juices but ......

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