Was eating alot and the rest ate so little.
The lesson learn for eating so much is FOOD POISONING~~
Was suffering the whole day the next day.
Vomited three times, cold sweat~~

Baby cook prawn omelette and it taste yummy.
He add garlic too~~

Happy face

When 12am strike, i present baby with this card i did for him. And he being mischievous actually posted a post for our 2 months in the blog!!
He still can say u got see our blog? i think nuffnang got new advertisement so i find a bit suspicious and saw his post. Thanks baby. muackz.

Dinner at Nihon with my uncle, baby and my parent.
I dint eat any of the sushi as i just recover from food poisoning and so i ate only chawamushi and udon. I dint take a pic of it.

Ice cream~~
Me, my mum and dad share the macha ice cream and baby had the chocolate. I ate a little bit of his too. ha.

After that headed to Ikea and bought lots of hanger to put at baby's place coz i have quite a few of my clothes and no where to hang. ha.
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