Baby mum, my mum, Baby & me wen to our bridal shop to let baby try out some gown & make to measure her gown for our ROM day.
Look at some pictures i took. My lovely baby gal. Gosh~ She's so pretty~ =)
Letting her try out the night gown~
And on our way home~ Look what we saw on the way @ ECP~ Guess dats YOG Flame & saw fire works. COOL~
21st August 2010~
Sat early in the morning~ We woke up @ 7am & prepare to head down to Sheraton towers hotel to view our Ballroom for Chinese wedding dinner.
On our way there.. My dad fetch us there.. =) hehe~ Thanks daddy~
At Sheraton towers hotel
At the lounge drinking & discuss on our wedding package~
This is where we have our dinner @ the ballroom~ "If we confirm taking this place!" =D
After at the hotel, we head down to Bugis~ Wen to pray & had our lunch at foodcourt~!
LOOK!! PLEASE DO NOT EAT AT BUGIS 3rd level FOODCOURT! You will rather go to some restaurant to have your lunch or dinner! Guess how much i paid for this?!!!??!
So after our CRAZY & ANGRY MEAL! We wen to M.O.F to have some dessert & drinks~ =)
So after having nice desserts we walk from Bugis to Suntec. Window shopping~ =D Ohya adding on baby mum bought a dress at bugis village & baby bought a jeans at TOPSHOP~ Nice~ Gonna blog wen she's gonna wear it~ =) ChioChio~ hehe =X
Caught this cute hello kitty for baby at Arcade~ Spending about $16 to get it. =)
Heading back home after the whole morning. & Dad came to pick us back home~ =) Rest awhile & meet up wit my kaki's at night~ =D
Although baby has accept me as her Husband, I still need to propose to her~ Wen we reach back home to rest~ I sneaky take the ring & put it in my pocket & wen to mum's room so i can take the ring out & loop it over my neck chain~ I hide the ring inside my T shirt so she can't see! =X
So wen the box is empty i took & propose to her, She looks like she's gonna tear & was super happy~ HEHE! I'm SO MEAN! =X Dan i open up the box & IT'S EMPTY!! She like gonna SIAN~ LOLX Tot i just fooling her! HAHAHA! But dan i ask her to guess where's the RING? She like ........ Suddenly i like TADA~~~~ & pull it out from my neck chain~ =D She was like super happy~ =)
Baby it may not be that romantic but i really love you more dan anything.~ =) My heart counts rite? =D hehe~ Loving loving you~
Brought the ring at GoldHeart~ It's gonna match with the wedding band~ =) Will show you all wen our ROM reached~ =)
Keep smiling for me baby~ =)
Meet up with my Racer boyz kaki's & colleague. =) Wen to Changi Village to have our late late dinner. Also had Some Drinks over there~
I'm not drinking~ I only drank Ginger BEER! hahaha~ =D
Thats Hong Yao & Sharie (My colleague). Teaching him the next step to be a Racer Boy~ =DThat's Kelvin & my baby~ =)
Reach home at about 2am~ Really whole day outing for baby & me! K.O till Sunday for us~ =X
22nd August 2010~ Sunday~ FOOD FOOD & MORE FOOD!
Mummy cook Tom yam seafood for us.. OMG~ SUPER NICE! Gonna learn from my super mum & Open my own store someday~ =D
Mum knows baby & i love LALA~ So she cook for us to eat. Loving it to the MAX! Thanks my Super mummy~ =)
Tom yam seafood~ OMG~ I'm drooling NOW!!!
Spend the whole day at home nuaing till evening, My sista bring mum, baby & me to Sakura restaurant to have dinner buffet~
At Sakura~ =) Makan Makan & Makan~ =D
Boss of the Night~ =) Xie Xie Lao Ban~ =D
So thats about it for our weekend~ =) Catch up our next week story soon~ =)
Now is Work Work Work~ LOLX =D
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