Gonna Thanks auntie & uncle for e ang bao. Soon I will be giving out Ang Baos. LOLX
HAha I like this. Knock Knock~ OUCH!!!! =DOMG BABY LOOKS ....... =P
On my birthday, baby wanted to give me a surprise in e middle of e night but .... We both fell asleep. HAHHAA~ So she gave me my presents early in e morning. =) Thanks my baby love. I love her so much that no words can describe. =)Chio Chio~ Got Belt to wear le.. Hehe.. & before I even open up e present. My guess was Right. HAHAHA SPOT ON! =) Baby was shock wen i guess it correctly. =X
My mian xian cook by auntie. hehe. =)
After our breakfast, we wen out to e bank to settle our stuff. Time to save $$$ =) Dan we head to serangoon to have Lunch. =D Sushi Tei~Baby giving a Blur look.
Oh we played scissor, paper, stone & we will see who to pay e bill for e lunch. HAHA~ But I WON! & baby said she wans to pay as its my birthday. -.-''' So I ask her to pose a BIG "L" on her head. =D
Just 2 of us.. Yet we ordered... LOTS OF FOOD! HAHAHA!
Epic Fail Cars below. LOLX Msia car with MAD Number plate. LOL
& this Lancer EX.. Number plate power sia.. I can start Stomping already. HAHAHA
We head down to Kallang Leisure Park to shop around. =) Had Yoguru~ =D Nicee~ 4 cups which cost $20++HAha wen Cold storage & saw pumpkins for Halloween... COOL MAN! Damn freaking HUGE!
HAHA Look e those deform fruits.. Baby is scare of it. HAHAHA! =P
Baby looks like one of it. LOLX On e left side wan.
This is what we bought. HEHE =) So many things.... SNACKS!
You only can get such Campbell's soups only @ Cold storage. =) It dun come CHEAP!
HEHE CAKE!!! Never to miss out a cake on your Birthday. =) Baby bought the mint chocolate cake for me~ Thanks Honey baby~ =) Lucky never put in my AGE! =D
Made a wish.. Hope it comes true soon. =)
Thanks to everyone that help me celebrate my birthday. & Those who have commented on my Facebook. Thanks everyone. Love ya. =D Going out to let baby try her gown soon.. Will update it tonite. =)
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