Meeting up with Andy & Michelle @ budget terminal..
My lovely wife & me~ =) You will never stop looking at her..
After checking in our luggage, We had Macdonald's for breakfast. HEHE~
Even when we are leaving for Hongkong, Baby will never stop using FACEBOOK! -.-'' Opps, I'm the one who started it first. HEHEHE!
Here we go~ Woooo.. Our journey to HK~ But I'm blogging now in SG!!! =( I wanna go back HK!
Anyone wanna work @ Changi? $40/Hour??? LOL Wash Aeroplane head want? MUHAHAHA!
Look at my naughty wife. Giving me that LOOK! =P
Michelle & Andy~
I just simply love camwhoring.. LOL Opps.. =X
Seriously, I'm so deep in love with this cutie pie~ =)
Look at the uncle, The plane have not take off but he's soundly asleep.. HEHE~ =P
I look cool? kakaka~
The clear blu sky~ So wonderful view~ Would like to try Sky diving soon! =)
Finally! Touching down safely at Hongkong airport. =) So Nice~~~ But kinda foggy. Took about 3hours+ to 4hours from singapore. WEEEEEEE Shopping & Eating time! =P
Look! Super foggy! Right?
After the custom, I ask the ladies to quickly go grab some maps of Hongkong. =)
So we plan & took MTR from the airport & drop off at Koowloon then took a taxi to our hotel at Prince Edward.
In the MTR train. Express train. Just took us about 10 to 15mins to Koowloon station.
4 of us share a taxi & paid around HK50+ If I remember correctly. =P
Checking in our rooms~ =) When we reach the hotel at around 230pm. Our room is not READY! (&!*(^#!&#%!$ But lucky one of the rooms is done! So we share & put all our luggage in Andy's room. His room number was 608! Our's was 607. Wanna buy 4D? LOL both missing with 1number =P
While waiting, baby starts her camwhoring. LOL =X
The Merc Class number plate looks so cool~ It has name on it rather than numbers.
So we was dead hungry & quickly rush to nearby "cha kuan" restaurant. =D Nice & cheap food they got! =D
Hmm as for me what I can do there is only watch them order foods & I'm there to snap pictures as I don't know how to read CHINESE!~ =X Opps.. Sounds funny right? Sadly to say I FAIL IN CHINESE! =(
Look~ They seriously looks like those HK drama shows. All just keep drinking Tea, reading newspaper, chatting over the phone or just keep ordering food. And the atmosphere feels like we are in HK drama show! LOLX =D
Here comes our FOOD!!! SUPER HUNGRY!!!! hehehe.. We orderd alot of food. So I'm not commenting on it! Everything is YUMMY!!!!! Total bill was just HK181 !!!! CHEAP CHEAP!~
After makan we walk around the street & try to get familiar with the area. hehehe While walking around & I saw their TP booking some toyota~ LOLX..
Look! Skyline R33!!!! Damn cool man!~ Super Rocks~
Onces we know the place we walk back to our hotel & get to our rooms! LOOK at the space of the hotel room!!!! LOLX.. Just need 2 Steps to reach the bathroom! LOLX
Read the sign! PLEASE MAKE UP ROOM! Sounds funny! EPIC FAIL SIA!~
Our MTR card which cost us HK350 for each & only gave us 3days of unlimited rides but not including Express stations.
Hahaha Stock up our room with some snacks. Baby never fail to stockup wherever she goes. =P
The tooth paste looks cute! First we thought it was Darlie.. But it's Hei Mei tooth paste! Muhaha... Kind of Replica Darlie brand. LOLX Btw this was gaven by the HOTEL! =P
Before heading out at around 6pm+ on day I... Haha
In the evening we took a train all the way to Tsim Sha Tsui station & walk to Victoria Harbour to view & to catch the magnificent A Symphony Of Lights. This is one of the things you got to do went you come to HK~ =)
The night lightings of the building are so cool~ Still got laser effect! =D
So beautiful. Looks like rainbow. =)
Here comes the laser effect! =D
The boat looks like so china~ LOL but in real life looks damn cool!
All this pictures are not edited with any computers programs. All natural. I MISS HK! =(
The busy night of Hongkong. All their shops are open till 12am!!! Shioks... How I wish SG will start to learn from them! =)
HAHAHA Hongkong police riot van. (Our so call ANG CHIA)
Hahaha looks like I'm in deep trouble.. Andy looks like policeman! Hahaha All in blue~ =P
My sweet heart & Michelle.. Roaming around the city~ =)
Had our first night snacks in HK~
& this stall had the best taste of bubble tea in HK compare to others that I tried. =D
I just can't get enough of her~ =) I LOVE YOU MY FOREVER PRETTY WIFE!~ WO AI NI 1314 33 44. MUACKS~
Saw some couples having their wedding dinner & they had this ballons of Bride & Groom. So Cute! Maybe I'm gonna do this on my customary dinner. =D
Went to Bossini to buy some clothes for myself.. So cheap & nice compare to SG!!! =) FREE M&M's for me too.. hehe... LOVES~
HEY!!! It's MINE!!! Not your's~ But nvm.. Laopo da ren! =D
Went we was walking along the streets!~ I saw Subaru GC8V aka STi sia... Drooling went I saw this car... 1word "CHIO"
This is the first time that I saw a CENTIPEDE!!! My wife & I was like going OMFG!!!!! Looks super Huge!!! It's like 20cm long or even longer & it's FAT!!!! The picture may looks small but it's Huge!! Went I started taking pictures, Other Ang Mo's also copy & took pictures of it! MUHAHAHA SCARY!
We head to Temple street to grab some stuff.. Hehe~
After shopping we head for supper (It's actually it's our DINNER!) LOL Over shop & forget about dinner. HAHAHA
This is don't know what Mee isit! Hahaha forgot the name but looks like wanton mee~
This is our end of Day I.. LOL Took so many pictures.. Thanks to ME! LOLX.. Thanks my poor laopo for uploading the pictures.. =D It's super tired for day I as we seldom walk in SG! haha..
@HongKong, 23rd March 2011~ (Day II)
After preparing & getting ready to SHOP~! =D
While walking, I saw a food stall selling Roasted duck rice.. I seems nice to me so we gave it a try~ =)
The meats looks nice yeah? Hehehe.. But the pork meat got HAIR!!! They never remove clean!!! LOLX If you zoom in, I guess you can see it! MUHAHAHA... For me still ok, But baby seems like she wanna puke!~ HAHAHA!
In HK is hardly to see people selling "Gao Luck"... For 6days in HK I only seen it ONCES!!!! =( But I never try this ah pek Gao Luck as I was very full after the Roasted duck rice.. =(
But I came back SG & I bought it! hahaha $5sgd sia.. If HK only HK20... NaaaBBBuuueeeYYyy~ LOL
The bowl of rice is HUGE! =D Can eat 2person in sg! =D
Hao chi~ =) NICE! I'm drooling while I'm blogging now. KAKAKA!
After having our Brunch, We took bus & roam around HK~ Some street names I forgotten liao.. LOLX Too many places we went. =P
Hehe went to Mac cafe for drink~ Cheap sia.. Only 4Sgd for a large cup of double chocolate! =D
& also its HARD TO FIND TOILET IN HK!!! Only shopping centre have toilets.. -.-'' Andy & I was going to toilet to bake cake! BUT first time in my life I need to Q-up for toilet cubicle!!! -.-''
THIS THIS THIS! Deadly to MEN! Please do not bring your wife/gf there!!! hahaha.. 3 levels of Women clothing!!!!!
SEE THIS IS WHAT I MEAN! Mostly are ladies.. -.-''' But for those Hum Sup Lo Men, For sure they love this place. LOL!~ I know a few Hum sup lo from my office~ HAHAHA.
Wanton mee! Taste Great... Which cost us HK24... Just for 1 bowl.
SEE whois the SLAVE NOW! =P No lah.. Is me the one who wants to carry for her.. =P Just acting. HAhaha
After shopping we head back to hotel & rest for like 20mins? LOL Then continue shopping & makan! LOLX Round2
Looking for a place to settle for our stomach. =)
They cook NICE FOOD! & the serving is HUGE! Yummy~
Kitty in the shop~ HAhaha cute yeah?
Saw a Honda Accord EuroR.. Super like taxi's.. You can see EuroR anywhere in HK~
This is BEST! The smell is horrific but taste GOOD sia.. HEHEHE only me alone like it.. =P As for baby, michelle & andy, They stay far far away from me.. =P Chao Tofu... YUMMY!
Me enjoying every bit of it~ hehee.. Hao Chi! Thumbs UP!
Hehe look at my wife.. HAhaha so CUTE!
After having my delicious Tofu, We took Hongkong Xiao Wan Ba Shi.. =)
The driver still will "siam" for us to take a good view. HEHE~
Baby had Hongkong Egg pancake.. =) But it's for me.. she just posing.. =P haha
Look! baby trying out Hongkong Curry fish balls. Nice sia.. I miss the streets food. =(
NISSAN SKYLINE GTR34!!! COOL! My Dream car.. Even if you would give me a Lamborghini I will still choose this car!!!
Mango bubble tea.. =D
Day I & Day II clothing, Shoes & Etc... =D
Hehe End of day One... Gonna post up the rest asap. WooOOoo...
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